Kristen is navigating the chaos & comedy of family life with three little ones in Chicago's North Shore while sharing her relatable tales on Instagram. She is the go-to source for hilarious & relatable content that celebrates the messy, unpredictable, & heartwarming moments of motherhood. She champions eco-friendly family adventures, hoping to keep our planet as happy as her kiddos!
With more viral videos than coffee refills, she has worked with top brands in the parenting and lifestyle space including Britax, Walgreens, Clorox, Boppy, and Vick’s. Her work has appeared in Good Housekeeping, Red Tricycle, Daily Mom, and Voyage Chicago.
With a solid, growing community of highly-engaged moms who know that laughter is the secret parenting superpower, she's here to connect, share, & laugh at the beautifully chaotic journey of raising kids.